Please join us and pray for the semi-annual congregational meeting on Sunday, November 17th, following the second service at 12:15PM. Agenda items include ministry updates, financial status, an addition to the Elder Nominating Committee, an elder confirmation vote, and the 2025 budget approval vote. Members, please attend – a quorum of members is needed to approve the votes. Regular attendees are also encouraged to come. A light lunch will be provided. Childcare and lunch are provided for birth through 6th grade for those who register.
Want to learn more about the topics of our congregational meeting? Join us for one of two informational meetings on November 3rd and November 10th in-between services, at 10:15 AM, join us in the Conference Room (upstairs in the main building by the church office) to meet with elders and hear a summary of the meeting topics, and ask questions.