High school and middle school students, join us for Student Life Summer Camp at Liberty University from July 7-11! Summer camp is one of the best weeks of the summer with five days of games, worship, teaching, Bible study, and time with friends from The Mix and The Well. We hope to see you there!
In 2025 at Student Life Camp, we are looking to scripture to see how the Names of God reveal His character and who he has called us to be.
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.” Proverbs 18:10
When: July 7-11, 2025
Where: Liberty University
Who: Students who have completed 7th-12th grade during 2024-25
Registration Cost (before January 30, 2025): $450/person
Registration Cost (after January 30, 2025): $475/person
Final payments and all forms are due no later than April 27, 2025.
January 30 – Non-refundable $125 Early Deposit due OR
After January 30 – Non-refundable $150 Deposit due (space limited, based on availability)
April 27, 2025 – Final payment of $325 and all forms/waivers due
Pay your $125 deposit between January 1-30, 2025 to secure spot at the cheapest total cost of $450/student. Deposits are refundable through January 30 less a $25 cancellation fee. After January 30, all deposits are non-refundable.
Join us for student life camp!
Final Payment and Forms will be published after March 1.
Payment and forms are due no later than April 27, 2025. Registrations that have not been paid in full by April 27 will be cancelled.
If financial assistance is needed, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] for a Scholarship Application.
The forms required for students and leaders include:
- 2025-26 BCC Medical/Media Release
- Student Life Camp Waiver (online)
- LeHaye Recreation Center Waiver
- Liberty Rock Wall Waiver
STUDENTS AND LEADERS – Click the links to download your forms and finalize your registration. All forms are due by April 28, 2024 and should be emailed to [email protected].
1. Final Payment Form – ALL students and leaders should complete this step. You will need to submit a picture of yourself (all participants) to complete this form. Pictures should be portrait orientation and useful for associating your face with your name.
2. BCC Medical/Media Release Form – ALL students and leaders need to have an updated form on file. Please complete EITHER a Student or Adult BCC Medical/Media Form. All students should complete the student form, even if they are 18. Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected] or returned to the Student Welcome Desk in the North Lobby during student events.
3. Student Life Camp Waiver and Release Form – ALL students and leaders need to complete this online form (Registration ID 82578.) Notarization is NOT required this year! Please have the following information available to complete this form.
a. Registration ID 82578
b. Emergency Contact Information
c. Medical/Insurance Information (physician info, insurance card, tetanus immunization date)

Should I register directly through Student Life or BCC?
All students and leaders should register directly through BCC, NOT through Student Life. Our registration ensures that you will be affiliated with our church at camp and provides additional benefits including transportation, a box lunch for the return trip, and BCC church activities at camp.
What does the registration cost cover?
This cost covers camp registration, charter bus transportation to and from camp, and a box lunch on the return trip. Students may bring extra money for elective campus activities such as bowling, ice skating, campus bookstore, snacks, camp merchandise, etc.
What is the refund policy?
Our refund policy reflects the financial deadlines established by Student Life Camp and is designed to steward church resources well. In essence, money that is non-refundable to BCC is non-refundable to registrants.
The Early Deposit of $125 is non-refundable after January 30. After January 30, the deposit will increase to $150 and space is not guaranteed. An additional final payment of $325 is due by April 27, 2025 for all registrants (early and regular deposit.)
After May 1, $150 of the final balance is refundable for verified medical emergencies ONLY. If you have to leave camp early for any reason, we cannot refund any portion of your registration.
When are forms due?
All forms are due by April 27, 2025.
What does a typical day at camp look like?
Morning Worship
Life Group Bible Study
Rec Time (Organized Group Games)
Free Time Options (i.e. sports, music/worship workshops, coffee & conversation, bowling, board games, hang out time)
Life Group Prayer
Evening Worship
BCC Late Night Gathering
What are the housing accommodations?
Students and leaders stay in college dorm rooms (2-3/room.) Rooms have historically had private bathrooms in the room. Please note, this camp has more of a conference feel, rather than a rustic camping vibe because of the venue.
While students do not room with adult leaders, our life group leader rooms are interspersed amongst their students’ rooms in the same hallway.
What are the dining accommodations?
Students will dine in the Liberty University Dining Hall. LU offers a wide selection of meal options and can accommodate most dietary needs. For more information about special dietary needs, click HERE.
What adult supervision is provided at camp?
Our Student Ministry Staff, life group leaders, and additional BCC camp leaders participate in summer camp alongside our BCC students. Students are not required to stay directly with their leader at all times, but they are asked to always be in same sex pairs of two or more at all times. Our staff and leaders make every effort to ensure that a student is never left apart from the group. Leaders seek out and engage with students consistently throughout the entire week at camp.
All BCC leaders complete our regular volunteer screening process including a reference and background check in addition to Ministry Safe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training. All other adults at Student Life Camp from other churches are required to complete background checks and sexual abuse awareness training as well.
The Liberty campus is well lit and secure. While Liberty is a large, open campus that operates other activities during this week, our students and leaders have felt safe and comfortable during our past weeks at camp here.
Can students who do not attend BCC register for camp?
Summer camp is a great time to invite other students to experience church community life and the Gospel! We encourage BCC students to register early by January 30 to ensure priority and secure their spot. Students who are not currently part of our ministry may register early as well and will be incorporated into a life group at camp based on grade and gender. All students must have completed 7th-12th grades in 2024-25 to attend.
Is financial aid available if my student cannot afford camp?
Scholarships are offered individually, based on need. For a scholarship application, please email [email protected] as soon as possible so that you can secure your spot by January 30. We want every student to participate in summer camp! Please do not allow finances to prevent your student from registering. Flexible payment options are available by request.
Does the camp have a nurse or administer medication?
The camp does not have a staff nurse and does not administer medication. If medical attention is required, our BCC staff will contact the parents and secure emergency or urgent care, as needed. Payment for medical services is the responsibility of the student’s family and the family’s insurance information listed on camp forms will be shared with the medical provider.
Students should plan to carry and administer their own medications/prescriptions. If a student needs a medication reminder, they should ask the life group leader to help them remember to take medication at the appropriate time. Students should also make their life group leader aware if they carry a rescue medication, such as an inhaler or Epipen. While our leaders will make every effort to ensure your student’s well-being in a crisis situation, they are not trained to administer medication or as medical professionals. Be sure to list any prescription medications and allergies on the registration form.
Common over the counter medications and basic first aid supplies are available to BCC students/leaders in our first aid kit. If you do not consent to these common care supplies, please indicate on the registration.
Is there a dress code?
Yes. In short, dress modestly. Don’t show your breasts, butts, bellies, or boxers. Clothing should cover your undergarments. Clothing should not be excessively tight, short, low-cut, form-fitting, or see through. No bare midriffs. No offensive or obscene pictures or messages. The camp also requires no speedos or midriff baring bathing suits.
We expect students to follow these dress guidelines while at all student ministry events, even if personal convictions differ. A student will be asked to change or cover up if their dress does not meet these guidelines or is a distraction to others.
What are the standards for behavior?
We are at camp to build our relationships with each other and God. The following guidelines will help us achieve this goal together.
- Listen first.
- Value the experiences and perspectives of others.
- Draw others into community.
- Don’t gossip. Don’t slander.
- No cursing.
- No bullying.
- No complaining, although cheerful suggestions in the appropriate context are welcomed!
- Public displays of affection (PDAs), whether to the opposite or same sex, distract from our purpose at student ministry events. No “hanging on” others, excessive hugging, cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, sharing a seat, or other obviously “romantic behavior.”
What should I bring to camp?
A packing list will be posted here in Spring 2025.
What should I NOT bring to camp?
- Cell phone or other electronic devices. Exceptions are made in advance per parent request to student ministry staff for medical necessity or academic needs ONLY. We desire for students to be fully present and fully engaged with God and others at camp, not distracted by devices. Leaders will have cell phones and students are free to contact their parents through their leader’s phone whenever requested throughout the week.
- Tobacco, drugs, vape pens, or alcohol
- Fireworks, water balloons, or weapons
- Skateboards, roller skates or roller blades
Please direct any questions or concerns to Kim Grindle, Director of Student Ministries, so that we can expand this list of questions that other families are probably wondering as well! Email [email protected].