Welcome to Ignite!
5th and 6th Graders aren’t little kids anymore. Ignite is an intentional space to foster growing intellects and blossoming abilities. At Ignite, 5th and 6th graders grow in relationship with one another and fan the flames of a relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s an amazing season and we’re so glad you’re here!

5th & 6th grade meets in The Auditorium Sunday mornings at 9:00 & 10:45am for games and interactive lessons. We’re excited for you to join us! Check out the tabs for more information.
Sunday Ignite Check-In Procedure
Student check-in begins at 8:50am/10:35am on Sunday mornings in The Auditorium. If you are new, sign your child up in person Sunday mornings at the Student Welcome Desk in the North Lobby.
Dismissal Procedure for Sunday Ignite
5th/6th Grade students will be dismissed at 10:05am/11:50am to meet up with their parents in the Main Lobby. Parents who do not want their student to be dismissed from The Auditorium may pick up their student by 10:00am/11:45am.
Ignite meets monthly on Friday nights September to May for an energy filled evening of fun games, connection, and relevant messages. Check out upcoming Ignite Special Events below for more details.
When do kids move up to a new class?
Preschool through high school kids all promote in August in preparation for the new school year.
Upcoming Ignite Events
Featured Ignite Events
In Student Ministries We Are...