Get ready for VBS 2024!
We are so excited for the 700+ kids and 250+ volunteers we will host June 24-28. Registration is open on May 5th. Please make plans to pick up VBS packets June 20-23. We look forward to seeing you there!

Adventure Awaits! Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. There is so much to discover each day as kids are transformed by the renewing of their minds at Breaker Rock Beach!
What are the dates & times?
Breaker Rock Beach is Monday, June 24th, to Friday, June 28rd. There are two sessions to choose from: Morning (9am-noon) or Afternoon (2-5pm).
What ages can participate?
Our in-person VBS is open to kids entering Kindergarten through kids who have completed 4th grade. Space is available on a first come, first served basis.
What is the cost of this event?
The fee is $30 per child. In addition to all of the fun created through crafts, snacks, games etc., your child will also receive the VBS music and t-shirt.
When can I register?
Registration for kids opens May 5th.
Theme Verse:
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2
God’s truth is rock-solid in a world of shifting sand.
We need YOU! It takes over 250 volunteers (completed 7th grade & older) to make this happen. There are a variety of roles where you can serve at VBS! Register HERE and if you have not served with us before, complete this character reference FORM.
IS IT WORTH IT, YES! VBS is more than just a week of summer fun, it is one of our most important outreach events of the year. VBS opens the doors of our church to the surrounding community. It connects the people of our church to our neighbors, and it deepens our connection within our church families. It’s about our allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us to share the gospel. It’s worth it when relationships are developed, conversations about Jesus are had, seeds are planted, and hearts are transformed for eternity!
Mark your calendar…the volunteer training meeting will be June 20 from 7pm-9pm (light snacks will be provided).
Spark imagination and kick creativity into high gear at Spark Studios. This summer, kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us–His creation–to the design He planned for us. Kids will see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.
Theme Verse:
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
Created in Christ. Designed for God’s Purpose.
What are the dates & times?
Spark Studios is Monday, June 20 to Friday, June 24. There are two in-person sessions to choose from: Morning (9am-noon) and Afternoon (2-5pm)
What ages can participate?
Our in-person VBS is open to kids entering Kindergarten through kids who have completed 4th grade.
What is the cost of this event?
The fee is $20 per child. In addition to all of the fun created through crafts, snacks, games etc., your child will also receive the VBS music and t-shirt.
When can I register?
Open registration begins in May. Early registration is available for the children of VBS volunteers. To access early registration, complete the form from the volunteer section of this page.
Registered VBS Families, get ready for a crazy week of fun! Stop by the North Lobby here at Burke Community Church to receive your child’s packet which includes the VBS music and a t-shirt!
Packet pick-up times:
Before attending VBS, we ask families to evaluate the health of their family by asking these questions:
- Is there anyone in my family not feeling well today that cannot be attributed to a known medical cause?
- Has anyone in my family had a fever in the last 24 hours?
- Has anyone in my family tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days?
- Has anyone in my family had contact with someone in the past 14 days who has tested positive for COVID?
If you are unable to answer no to any of the questions above, please continue to care for your family at home.
Currently our classroom sizes are reduced. In order to maintain these smaller class sizes, parents are asked to pre-register their children before noon, each Friday.
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipe dispensers are mounted in each classroom. Volunteers are encouraged to use these frequently throughout their Sunday School Class. A thorough cleaning and wiping down of tables is completed between each service.
We need YOU! It takes over 250 volunteers (completed 7th grade & older) to make this happen. There are a variety of roles where you can serve at VBS! Register HERE and if you have not served with us before, complete this character reference FORM.
IS IT WORTH IT, YES! VBS is more than just a week of summer fun, it is one of our most important outreach events of the year. VBS opens the doors of our church to the surrounding community. It connects the people of our church to our neighbors, and it deepens our connection within our church families. It’s about our allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us to share the gospel. It’s worth it when relationships are developed, conversations about Jesus are had, seeds are planted, and hearts are transformed for eternity!
Mark your calendar…the volunteer training meeting will be June 15 from 7pm-9pm (light snacks will be provided).
We’d love to get in touch with you and are happy to help you in any way we can. Feel free to call or message us, whichever is more convenient for you.
Church Office
9900 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Burke, VA 22015
T. 703-250-3960
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm
Friday, 9am – 3pm
We are closed for all federal holidays