Inclement Weather Update (click for more details):

IMPORTANT UPDATE from Pastor Marty: Service Time Changes

Dear Worshipper:

Based on our continued growth, last week, I informed you of our need to start a third service. Yet, after further discussion with the elders, it is now our collective decision to take incremental steps toward a third service by simply adding fifteen minutes to the start time for the second service.  With service times of 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. starting on Sunday, February 5th, we believe we will have the cushion to make entry and exit of the congested parking prudent and pleasant.

Thank you for being willing to serve to make a third service possible. That service, however, needs to wait for future implementation, as noted above.           

It goes without saying that we all still need to understand the importance of taking the shuttle to worship. It is impossible to attract and accommodate visitors without increasing our shuttle usage. Our drivers are noticing an increase in the number of worshippers utilizing this service, so I want to say “thank you.” Your selfless sacrifice makes it easier for new people to find parking when they worship with us.              

Knowing how to accommodate the large numbers of people the Lord sends to worship with us is a complex exercise.  We thank you for your understanding, flexibility, service, and prayer. 


Pastor Marty
