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Worship Arts: Worship Team

If you have musical talent and a heart to serve, there is a place for you in Worship Arts! Worship Arts exists where the creative and artistic intersects the world of production. Ultimately, we are doing more than just putting on a good show…we are working together to connect people to the living God through worship. Come be a part of it!

Sign up below...

Vocalist#1: Alyssa S.
#2: Evin G.
#3: Tamera I.
#4: Meody C.
#5: Rachel B.
Electric Guitar
#1: Flavio G.
#2: Guy K.
#3: Lily W.
Bass Guitar
#1: Guy K.
#1: Chris H.
#1: Melody C.
#1: Fake U.
#1: Alyssa S.
#2: Leslie M.

Worship Arts Contact Info

Brandon JR Givens – Worship Director