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New Fall studies starting September 8th!

woman in white tank top and orange jacket holding white printer paper

Tuesday Breakaway

Tuesday mornings from 9:30am-12pm

four women looking down

Wednesday W.O.W.

Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30pm

girl reading book

Sunday Morning

Sunday mornings from 9:00am-10:15am

Tuesday Breakaway

Every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-12pm at Burke Community Church beginning September 10th.

Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Is heaven a place we can only imagine, or can we gain insight now into the wonders that await all believers after this life? Randy asserts that by diligently searching the scriptures, we can begin to envision what heaven is really like: a new earth, brimming with awesome beauty, free from sin, suffering, and death; a place where Christ’s presence permeates throughout. See our eternal home in a new light that will surprise you, spark your imagination and change how you live today.

Teachers: Jackie Ehrman and Dawn Wyckoff
Style: In-depth up front teaching + large group discussion

Joy from the Upper Room: A Flexible Inductive Study of John 13-17 by Pam Gillaspie

Do you find your spirit downcast and lowly? Does sadness pervade your heart? Have the troubles of life weighed you down and zapped your joy? Remember that Jesus, our Savior, defeated death and is the one who gives us abundant life. It is He who calls us to unwavering joy, even amid times of sorrow and pain. Join Pam in this inductive study to follow Jesus in the days leading up to the cross and encounter the steadfast joy only He can bring.

Teachers: Mickie Miller, Christine Little and Steffani Mears
Style: Up front teaching with a focus on small group discussion

Rooted Motherhood by Heather Myers

Are you interested in digging into scripture to look at how God uses motherhood to teach us about himself? Would you like to explore how He uses the joys and struggles of being a mom to draw us closer to Him? Then join this study for every age and stage of motherhood, whether you have little ones, teenagers or adult kids out on their own. Using inductive Bible study methods, this class will be covering relevant topics in a relatable way while also helping us to become more rooted in the Word.

Teachers: Heather Myers, Susan Allen and Anna Bartee
Style: Year-long study with up front teaching + large group discussion
(max capacity for this study is 30)

Isaiah (Unplugged)

Join us for a verse-by-verse year-long study of the book of Isaiah, one of the major prophets. In its 66 chapters we will see the God who judges His people for rebelling against Him. This same God is the One who saves, offers hope for a future and restoration to those who return and follow Him. Each week, using the Bible as our text, we will examine passages by investigating what the passage says, interpreting what the verses mean, and then applying them personally to our everyday life.

Teachers: Kristin Horst and Pam Sanders
Style: Up front teaching + large group discussion

Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges

Where is God when life hurts? Can we trust Him? Adversity and suffering often challenge our faith and our reliance on God. Jerry shows how deepening our understanding of God’s sovereignty, His wisdom, and His perfect love can help us when we doubt. When we are firmly confident in Him, His character, and His love for us, we can experience His peace and His strength. Join us in this study and be encouraged as you discover God is indeed trustworthy.

Teachers: Rachel Warme, Carol Dick, and Page Gyatt
Style: Up front teaching with a focus on small group discussion

‘Master’-ing Your Emotions: From Coping to Overcoming by Judy Rossi

Are there times when negative emotions master you and run your life? Anger? Fear? Worry? Anxiety? Discontent? If your answer is “Yes!” or even “Sometimes”, how do you think God responds to the competition? This study will challenge the triggers that can draw you into defeat or merely coping from day to day by laying a biblical foundation for what Christ fulfilled 2000 years ago. Discover the joy, security, stability, and freedom you can live out in Him daily “by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

Teachers: Anita Homburg, Whitney Howell and Judy Rossi
Style: Up front teaching + large group and some small group discussion

Wednesday W.O.W.

Every Wednesday evening from 7:00pm-8:00pm at Burke Community Church beginning September 11th.

Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies by Hilary Morgan Ferrer

Just as mama bears in the wild seek to protect their cubs from danger, we as mothers seek to protect our children from the dangers of absorbing and accepting the lies and vain philosophies abundant in our culture. This study offers the tools you need to train your kids to think critically, love biblically, and stand firm against the present cultural tide. A great class for moms, grandmothers, or anyone who desires to influence and equip the next generation to be committed, mature followers of Jesus.

Teachers: Ashley Turk and Jackie Ehrman
Style: Up front teaching + large group discussion

He's Where the Joy Is: Getting to Know the Captivating God of the Trinity by Tara Leigh Cobble

Since our God longs for us to know Him and love Him, He reveals himself to us through the pages of His Word. The doctrine of the Trinity is shrouded in mystery, but Scripture clearly unveils God’s three-in-oneness. As we study the character, the roles, and the relationships of the Father, Son, and Spirit, we grow in intimacy with the one who is the author and perfecter of deep faith and true joy. This study includes video access to Tara’s teaching that accompanies each lesson.

Teachers: Ann Alexander and Lyn Delano
Style: Up front teaching with a focus on small group discussion

Take Courage: A Study of Haggai by Jennifer Rothschild

Do you find yourself in a season of discouragement and disappointment, a season in which hope seems elusive and beyond your grasp? Take courage then, from the story of Haggai, who reminded the people of Israel returning after exile to the ruins of their homeland that God had never left them. Just as God’s presence and promises gave them courage to press on and trust Him, you too, can rise above hopelessness and live your life with confidence in Him.

Teachers: Jane Dull, Adriana Richardson, and Leanne Rodgers
Style: Up front teaching with a focus on small group discussion

Jonah: Experience God’s Patience...Embrace His Presence...Enjoy Divine Provision. (Online) by Chris and Katie Orr

Hungry for meaningful Bible study but pressed to make it fit into your already full schedule? This study may be just for you! Designed to spend just 15 minutes a day, five days a week, this study nevertheless will take you deep into the truths of Scripture. Explore the patience, presence, and provision of our Almighty God as you follow the journeys of Jonah, a reluctant prophet, called by Him to minister to the people of Ninevah.Teachers: Diane Boucher and Michele Anwyll Style: Online teaching and discussion

Young Women’s Bible Study:
Acts 1-12 Part 1 God’s Power in Jerusalem & Judea by Phylis LePeau

Remember how the disciples, fearful and cowardly, abandoned Jesus at Gethsemane? These same men, later filled by the Holy Spirit, became dynamic teachers, preachers and champions of the Gospel. Follow their transformation in the book of Acts as they boldly and confidently proclaim Jesus without fear or trepidation. And be assured that the same Holy Spirit likewise empowers and equips us today to be bold and confident witnesses for Him.

Teachers: Deborah White and Kristen Powell
Style: Up front teaching with a focus on small group discussion

Sunday Morning

Every Sunday morning from 9:00am-10:15am beginning September 8th.

Women’s Bible Study:
Jonah: Experience God’s Patience...Embrace His Presence...Enjoy Divine Provision by Chris and Katie Orr

Hungry for meaningful Bible study but pressed to make it fit into your already full schedule? This study may be just for you! Designed to spend just 15 minutes a day, five days a week, this study nevertheless will take you deep into the truths of Scripture. Explore the patience, presence, and provision of our Almighty God as you follow the journeys of Jonah, a reluctant prophet, called by Him to minister to the people of Ninevah.Teachers: Valarie Gray, Ashley Turk & Marissa Eyon Style: Up front teaching + large group discussion

We look forward to you joining us this fall!

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Michelle Dillard – Women’s Ministry Director

Christine Little – Women’s Ministry Administrative Assistant