Sunday, 8. November 2020 Staff Speakers The Wisdom Of The Cross Preacher Pastor Alec ZacaroliMy career in litigation didn’t exactly get off to a smooth start. I was barely a year out of law sc... Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:11-14
Sunday, 27. December 2020 Psalms: God's Worship and Prayer Guide Psalm 52 - Part 1 Preacher Dr. Marty BakerDuring my fourth, and last, year at Dallas Theological Seminary in 1985, our Hebrew professor arbitr... Scripture: Psalm 52:1-5
Sunday, 3. January 2021 Psalms: God's Worship and Prayer Guide Psalm 52 - Part 2 Preacher Dr. Marty BakerSeveral years ago, at a growing church in San Diego, Donna the Dragon used her sinister methods to g... Scripture: Psalm 52:6-9
Sunday, 15. August 2021 Guest Speakers Paul: A Portrait of a Servant Leader Preacher Dr. David Geisler
Sunday, 29. January 2023 Hope Beyond Hardship Dealing With the Devious - Part 1 Preacher Dr. Marty BakerWhat does the hope of Jesus Christ look like in the face of suffering and opposition? Join Dr. Marty... Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Sunday, 4. June 2023 Hope Beyond Hardship Our Duty Toward Leaders Preacher Dr. Marty BakerWhat should our relationship to our church leaders look like? Dr. Marty Baker takes us to 1 Thessalo... Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Sunday, 25. June 2023 Staff Speakers The Model of Greatness Preacher Pastor Jim PowellWhat is greatness and how does it apply to us? Join Pastor Jim Powell as he walks us through Mark 10... Scripture: Mark 10:32-44
Sunday, 24. December 2023 The Promised King Christmas Eve 2023 Preacher Dr. Marty BakerJesus came as a baby, but the prophecies of Zechariah 6:9-15 said that the Messiah would be both a r... Scripture: Zechariah 6:9-15
Sunday, 29. September 2024 Spiritual Snapshots in 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 2:11-36 Preacher Dr. Marty BakerThere are spiritual leaders who are corrupt and those who are committed...and God has his way of sif... Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:11-36