Featured Opportunity: KidsServe
Kids grades 2nd-6th have the opportunity to volunteer with their parents on Sunday mornings through KidsServe. Whether in a Kids Class or greeting at the doors, KidsServe is a great opportunity for families to grow together through service.

Featured Opportunity: Fall Festival
Fall Festival is our largest community outreach of the year. With roughly 1,500 guests visiting our campus from 2-6pm on Saturday, November 2nd it takes a team of 200 volunteers to pull off this fun-filled event for kids and families. Volnteer shifts are available from 2-4pm and 4-6pm. There are also some set-up and tear-down opportunties. Sign up today!

Featured Opportunity: Kids Ministry
Kids Ministry is growing! Currently, we have about 500 kids who attend Burke Community Church every Sunday and 200 volunteers who are a part of providing a quality Sunday experience for our kids. We have the classroom size for more growth, but we need more volunteers! Lydia Van Zandt, our Kids Ministry Director has said that if she woke up tomorrow with 50 more people serving in Kids Ministry it would greatly relieve stress on their ministry and volunteers. Are you willing to be part of the solution?