Will Believers Experience The Time of God’s Wrath Or Be Exempt From It?

What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming? How does the Rapture impact our life now? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he continues in our 1 Thessalonians […]
The Divine Dynasty

A royal lineage. A King to come. But this is no ordinary ruler. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we look at 2 Samuel 7:8-18 and the prophecies foretelling Jesus Christ, […]
Isaiah 53:1-9: Salvation Is Grounded On The Servant’s Degradation And Exaltation

Seven times Jewish Christian writers of the New Testament directly identify Jesus as the fulfillment of the role of the suffering Servant/Savior as prophesied with great specificity in Isaiah 52:13-53:12. […]
Unstoppable Savior: The Lord of Simon Peter

Intro Next week we will be back in 1 John, but this week we are taking a look at the life of Simon Peter (passionate, bold, raw, real, driven…) Last […]
Overcoming Christian Insecurity

Psalm 110 – Part 2

Last Thursday one of our garage door mechanisms malfunctioned so I called a door company to come and look at it. When the two men arrived in their work truck, […]