Time To Talk

Much can be learned from the ministry of John the Baptist and his proclaiming to the world who Jesus Christ was. Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through […]
Day of Decision

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem. It was the start of Holy Week, a week that would leave him to the cross and to the grave. For us, like […]
A Timeless Throne

Crime. Wars. Poverty. Injustice. Our world is broken, but while the kingdoms of this world rise and fall, there is One whose Kingdom is above every other. One whose Kingdom […]
Your Position in Christ

What does it mean to understand your position in Christ? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he walks us through 2 Thessalonians 2:13 and helps us see the hope we have […]
How Can Christians Be Prepared For The End-Times? – Part 3

With war raging in the Middle East and so many other tensions going on in our world, where do we find hope and courage? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he […]
The Purpose of Discipleship

The early ministry of Jesus Christ tells us much about who He is and what He came to do. Join Pastor Greg Triplett in Mark 1:21-45 as he takes a […]
Rejoice Always

What does it mean to rejoice always? How can we put it into practice? This week, Dr. Marty Baker takes us through those two words in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and […]
The Model of Greatness

What is greatness and how does it apply to us? Join Pastor Jim Powell as he walks us through Mark 10:32-44 and unpacks Jesus’ Model of Greatness.
Are You Ready For the Revelation?

Are you ready for the revelation? The return of Jesus Christ puts everything else in this world into perspective and brings hope to those who have put their trust in […]
Jesus Calms A Storm

Do you ever feel that during the storms of life, Jesus might not be listening or that he doesn’t care? Join Pastor Matt Sims as he walks us through Mark […]
What Happens After The Rapture?

The rapture happens…then what? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes a look at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and helps us understand what lies ahead for those who have faith in […]
Good Friday 2023

Join us as we look to the cross and remember What He’s Done for us on Calvary. Sometimes it is hard to process truth you don’t really want to hear. […]