Life is Better Connected!
Life groups allow you to be in community with fellow Christians practicing the 5 elements of healthy spiritual community: fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, service, and worship. Let us help you find the life group that’s right for you!

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Available Life Groups
All of the groups below have room for new members to join. Check out your options and if you find one you’d like to visit, click the button below to email the group leader today!
We are a group of married empty nesters (or nearly there) with ages ranging between 40's-60's. We are currently meeting on Zoom. Currently we are studying the gospel of John as we share our lives and experiences together.
Age range: 40's-60's
Life Stage: Married, empty nesters, nearly empty nesters
Children: No
Childcare: No
Location: Afton Glen area in Springfield
Meeting Time: Fridays at 7pm
Our life group meets every Friday for fellowship, a Bible study and prayer. Young children are welcome. The life group will arrange for babysitting for a small cost if the families agree. Topics of the group study will be based on the desires of the group.
Life Stage: Any are welcome
Children: Always Welcome
Childcare: Yes
Meeting Time: Fridays
With the Bible and other recovery tools of 12-step programs, we are couples committed to restoring healthy communication, caring, and greater intimacy and connection in our relationships - with God and each other. Our group seeks to help couples find freedom from dysfunctional patterns in relationships.
We want to build marriages to display God's glory and patterned after Jesus' covenant commitment to His church. We may have been separated or near divorce due to addictions and intimacy problems. We now seek, in community, to build functional and edifying relationships as we grow together as couples.
Our group is made up of six couples who have been meeting together for years (10 at least). We are a very close group of made up of retired, single, married and Empty-Nesters with an eclectic character. All our children are out-of-the-nest; we meet two times a month on Monday but this can flex for travel schedules to visit children and grandchildren! We share our lives and pray for each other and do Bible study in between. Age range is 50s-60s.
Age Range: 50's-60's
Life Stage: Retired, Single, Married, Empty-Nesters
Children: No
Childcare: No
Location: Fairfax Station
We love the Word of God, love discussing it and how it pertains to our daily lives, currently we are study 2 Corinthians. We are currently meeting every other Thursday with plans to meet every week as the group grows. We are located in Fairfax Station near Clifton. We are a group of retired and nearly empty-nesters and are currently one of the oldest groups in the church (age-wise). All are grandparents but we welcome younger members!
Life Stage: Retired, Nearly Empty Nesters (But Younger members welcome!)
Children: Yes
Childcare: No
Location: Fairfax Station
Meeting Time: Thursday
This group meets on Sunday evenings in Broad Run, VA (Haymarket, Gainesville, Bristow, and west Manassas area). We break bread, share life and pray for one another. We are open to all, and children are welcome. Dinner, study and prayer between 5:00-7:30 pm.
Children: Always Welcome
Location: Broad Run
Meeting Time: Sunday
We are a group of couples who have children, gathering together for encouragement, fellowship, study and prayer.
Childcare is covered by the parents at their home as husbands meet together one week and wives the next week. We'll have a family social one weekend day each month, where husbands, wives and children all meet together.
Life Stage: Couples with kids
Children: Yes
Childcare: Childcare is covered by the parents at their home as husbands meet together one week and wives the next week.
Meeting Time: Thursday Evenings
Meeting Location: Springfield
Young women, 'mature' women, single women, engaged women, married women attending solo, divorced women...all are welcome to this Women-only group! We meet on Monday nights for fellowship and encouragement in the West Springfield home of one of our group members and we also have a social once a month. Very close group made up mostly of 50-60s. No childcare available.
Age Range: 50's-60's
Life Stage: Young, Single, Engaged, Married Women
Childcare: No
Location: Springfield
Meeting Time: Monday
This is a life group for parents/adults, married or single, in their 30's and 40's. (No childcare provided.) We like to have fun because laughter is good medicine! We are about building one another up and spurring each other on in our relationships with Christ. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm for snacks/dessert, prayer, and fellowship. Check out our video at the top of the page!
Age Range: 30's-40's
Life Stage: Parents/Adults, Married or Single
Children: Yes
Childcare: No
Meeting Time: Monday
Come share your struggles and triumphs, pray, and grow in faith with other moms of young children.
Age Range: 20's-50's
Life Stage: moms with young children (infant to middle school)
Children: No
Childcare: No (we meet when the kids are typically in bed)
Meeting Time: 8-9:30pm every other Monday evening (twice monthly)
Meeting Location: West Springfield
The core of our group has been together 15 years! Many have come and gone over the years, with come coming back! Along the way, we have grown very fond of one another, built a big reservoir of trust with openness and transparency. We are mostly empty nesters with ages ranging from 40s-60s. However, we would welcome the return of young families, allowing us to love on kids and become more multi-generational.
We mostly live from Springfield and Burke to the Potomac, each of us taking turns hosting our group. Even if you can’t host you are welcome!
This fall we hope to return to face-to-face meetings as long as weather allows. We meet twice a month. Our meetings typically include a time of fellowship, devotion and prayer, and we have done all manner of bible studies, from books to video-based series. Again children are welcome but we currently do not have childcare available.
Age Range: 40's-60's
Life Stage: Empty-Nesters but younger families are welcome!
Children: Yes
Childcare: No
Location: Springfield and Burke
Meeting Time: Twice a Month
Children: Yes
Childcare: Yes
Location: South County/Crosspointe
Meeting Time: 1st and 3rd Sunday
We welcome both singles and couples (generally 40s and older) who want to grow in fellowship and faith. We are all empty nesters but we welcome everyone to join! (Seriously, we have had all ages). We meet weekly on Sundays. No pressure to attend every week, come and go as you need. We have social time and Bible Study with group discussion and prayer. We would love for you to join us. We have lots of fun and really try to encourage each other. Sorry no childcare at this time.
Age Range: 40's + (All are welcome!)
Life Stage: Empty-Nesters (Seriously, everyone is welcome!)
Children: Yes
Childcare: No
Location: Woodbridge
Meeting Time: Sunday
We are a co-ed group of young adults ranging from early 20s to early 30s. Our group meets weekly on Thursdays for Bible Study, discussion, and prayer at the church in the Auditorium. Additionally, we have other fellowship events ranging from games nights, holiday parties, and retreats!
For more info go to
This is a life group for engaged and married couples. We are in our late 20s to mid-30s and welcome others in this life stage who want to grow in their relationship with each other and in our faith. Starting August 2020 our group is meeting online for a study on John 1, 2 & 3. This is a Young Couples group with no kids.
Age Range: 20's-30's
Life Stage: Young Couples Engaged or Married
Children: No
Childcare: No
We are a life group centered around growing in Christ as families with babies and young children. We meet on Monday nights (6:00-7:30 pm) at Burke Community Church. We look to start and end on time to respect bedtime for little ones.
Life Stage: Married
Children: Yes
Childcare: Yes
Meeting Time: Monday
Location: Burke Community Church
A group of young adult men (18yrs old to 30-something) who are looking for friendship, brotherhood in Christ, and an environment for iron to sharpen iron. This is an environment where you will have an opportunity to build deep bonds with other brothers in Christ. You will have the opportunity to get real and be honest with yourself and others, free from judgment and condemnation as we labor together in Jesus' name. Being real about life and walking through it together with Jesus!
Age Range: 20's-30's
Life Stage: Young Men
Children: No
Childcare: No
Meeting Time: Monday
Looking for other group options?
Contact Info
Jim Powell – Discipleship Pastor
Ashley Turk – Adult Ministries Administrative Assistant